
If you’ve found this webpage, you’re probably at least curious about something.  Maybe you’re stumped by something.  Maybe you even feel stuck.  Or maybe you just would like some honest, subjective feedback from somebody outside your usual circle of opinions.

Maybe I can help.

I have experience in all kinds of areas – arts, hard/social science, business, language, media, metaphysics, stuff – and I’m definitely master of none of these.  But sometimes it’s not an expert that’s needed, but rather some sort of “generalist”.  That’s where I might be helpful.  Or not.  But that’s for you to decide.

Most importantly, I’ve been working on becoming a good listener, and I’m told that’s working out.

So I try to listen and analyze - without judgment (very important!) - which then ideally helps me to generate thoughts, opinions, guesses… and maybe even some insight.

This whole process is very informal, and it can focus on anything, from micro to macro. Email me if you think this service could be helpful… or even just interesting (...entertaining?).  Once I have a general idea of what you’re looking for, we can figure out how to meet.

I think my regular rates are very reasonable – $1 per minute (10 minute minimum)… but even that’s all negotiable, so don't let cost discourage you.  I wouldn't turn anybody away, espeically if I enjoy the topic. :-)

So maybe I’ll hear from you. It could be fun, or interesting, or...

Full Disclosure: This is a sincere and serious attempt on my part to provide informal assistance to others. But some people do think I’m funny. Read into that what you may.